TES Franchise

Who Needs an Office to Work?

surreal-2094510_960_720Do us a “solid” as Kramer from the hit TV show, “Seinfeld”, would say. Take a minute or two, and just take a good look around your office, cubicle, or work station.

Now describe what you see.

Yes, there’s the ever-present computer, maybe with two monitors, desk phone, cell phone, stacks of papers, over-flowing the desk. A favorite coffee mug, or water bottle. A dusty bumper sticker from a long- ago trip which says, “I Tried to Have a Fun Vacation, but All I Caught Was a Cold”.

Pictures of the kids. Your spouse, or significant other.  Maybe a shot of your dog, or cat. And, of course, four walls…or three if you work in a “cube.”

It’s pretty much the “same old, same old,” right?   And isn’t it hard to not feel, pun intended, boxed in?  Like the old saying goes, “If you’re not the lead dog on the dog sled team, the view doesn’t change much.”

You may not know it yet, but you’re certainly a victim of the “Battered Career Syndrome,” a malady which affects many American workers. The constant stress of possible down-sizing, or juggling added responsibilities due to down-sizing can contribute to “Battered Career Syndrome.”  The hours are greater, the paycheck isn’t, and job security has gone the way of the 25-cent hamburger.

But you can make the leap over those walls in your office, in a single bound, thanks to The Entrepreneur’s Source®, the nation’s leading franchise coaching network.  The Entrepreneur’s Source® (TES) offers opportunities to help yourself, and others, by becoming a TES franchise coach. You will help guide those seekers, using proven skills and strategies, into finding the right fit for business ownership. This is the best time in recent memory to take this step to becoming more self-sufficient as there are countless others, just like yourself, who are searching for ways to defeat the “Battered Career Syndrome.”

And here’s the best part: you don’t need to be tied to an office!

In a recent poll of all current TES coaches, here is a list of the “Top 10 Places They Enjoy Working From, Other Than an Office”:

  • The golf course
  • The tennis club
  • The back deck of their home
  • Sitting in the stands watching their kid’s games
  • At the beach
  • At the pool
  • From hiking trails
  • In the garden
  • From the boat
  • Even while taking a painting class

Notice the common thread of them all? No suffocating office. No desk clutter. NO WALLS.

As a TES coach, YOU choose not only when you want to work, but from where you want to work.

Isn’t time to “go over the wall”, and find your calling instead of a dead-end career? It can all be yours, as a franchise coach for The Entrepreneur’s Source.

For more information on The Entrepreneur’s Source® franchise opportunity and becoming a TES coach, please fill out a form here to speak with one of our Franchise Developers.

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