TES Franchise

No Expiration Date

David Buck

How one Coach challenged himself to create a fulfilling career without a shelf life.

Around the time David Buck turned 50 he began to take stock of his career. Over his nearly 40 years in Corporate America, Buck worked in various executive roles with some very well-known brands. Life was good and his career was successful. But for Buck, that had created a problem. He realized he had become too comfortable.

“I was content with my life, but I was also unchallenged. I knew I had a lot more to contribute and wasn’t ready to start downshifting,” says Buck, “I saw my career path narrowing and didn’t want to do the same thing over and over again. I felt it was time to start building a career that I was in control of, one that didn’t have an expiration date.”

A challenge to think differently

While attending a networking event, Buck met Tony Capuano, a Career Ownership Coach® with The Entrepreneur Source®. After Buck discussed his dissatisfaction with the options available to him, Capuano told him he was going about it all wrong.  Buck recalls, “He explained that the destination is not the next job. It is how one lives their life. The job is just a vehicle to get you where you want to go, the life you want. First you need to clarify what that destination is, then you can find the right vehicle to get you there.”

Capuano’s words resonated with Buck. “I had a great job; it wasn’t about that. It was something greater than that, it was more a mission.  I was looking for personal fulfillment, and for me that is helping people find the right vehicles to get them to their lifestyle and wealth goals,” says Buck. And for the past 13 years, Buck has been doing just that as a Career Ownership Coach® with the leading career transition coaching franchise, The Entrepreneur Source®.

Breaking down self-limiting beliefs

As a coach, Buck spends a lot of time helping people overcome their false assumptions about franchising that are putting limits on their options. “There is a lot of misinformation out there. Franchising is not all burgers and fries. There are over 5,000 franchises out there. I want to help them see possibilities they don’t know they have,” Buck adds, “People often obsess about the product or service of a franchise, that is limiting.  I have helped a bald man get into a hair cutting franchise! It comes down to whether the business model is a good fit for your goals and strengths. A lot of times it can be found in an industry they would have overlooked without my guidance.”

For Buck, being a good Career Transition Coach means really caring about people. He says, “If you coach from a transactional mind set you will fail. This is not about getting a deal done, it’s about helping the client achieve their version of success. I am there to help not tell. It requires a great deal of active listening; I meet my clients where they are.”

According to Buck, while people will tell you their financial and equity goals, what they are also searching for are quality of life things. “Its making a difference in their family’s life; its freedom and flexibility; it’s having a purpose. You really have to take the time to get to know each client to help them figure out just what that looks like for them.”


Helping his retired service member clients find their next career has been especially rewarding to Buck. “Transitioning out of the military into civilian life can be daunting. Everything changes from how they dress, where they live, even how they can cut their hair. There is a lot of uncertainty. What they do know is that they never want to miss another birthday or event in their family’s life again, having already missed too many. And having already moved a lot, they are ready to set down roots and become involved in their communities,” explains Buck, “Franchise business ownership is a great option to help veterans achieve this. And franchisors love veterans. They are highly trainable and prove to be good operators because they know how to be successful within a system. It truly a symbiotic relationship. They get to be in business for themselves but not by themselves.”

Possibilities, Options and Dreams

Because of his dedication to helping his clients achieve their own version of the American Dream, The Entrepreneur’s Source® named Buck this year’s POD (Possibilities, Options, Dreams) winner.  One of the brand’s most prestigious awards, the winner embodies the brand’s mission: meeting their clients where they are and easing their fears about career ownership by providing a warm, welcoming environment.

But for David Buck, it’s not about the accolades, saying, “Awards are nice, but I am not doing this for the awards. I get so much satisfaction and fulfillment from helping people find a business model that best suits them and what they want to achieve.”

“I have been doing this for 13 years and I have enjoyed everything about my work coaching. I still wake up every day looking forward to the conversations I will have with my clients. Helping a client overcome a self-limiting belief and become open to possibilities they didn’t even know they had is one of the best parts of my business.”

For nearly 40 years The Entrepreneur’s Source® Career Ownership Coaches® have helped thousands of clients discover their unique path to self-sufficiency.  Interested in becoming a Career Ownership Coach?  Contact us today at (203) 405-2145 or learn more at TESFranchise.com.

© 2022 The Entrepreneur’s Source



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